The wedding was on Saturday and it was beautiful! I was able to take some photos of the service and the reception and I think my niece and her husband will like seeing them when they return from their honeymoon. I played the piano for some of the prelude music and Samuel played the violin beautifully for the music during the ceremony.
Reception was great! Lots of beautiful people, delicious food, fun times, and family and friends! I love weddings. I really liked the pastor's message during the ceremony. It was just about the sweetest wedding I have ever attended :)
My first cousin had been to the Holy Lands in January and I had asked him to bring me something back if he didn't mind. He brought me a beautiful cross made from olive wood from Jerusalem. He also took it to a place (can't remember the name of it but he is going to email me the information) and had someone pray the Lord's Prayer over it. It is very special to me. I would love to go to the Holy Lands myself. He informed me that he will be living there for about a year! Maybe I could visit this year sometime?
Church came around on Sunday and played the piano for Sunday morning service. Still not quite energetic but I may have overdone it on the weekend. I have been feverish at night, not a large fever ...but just enough to make me not rest well. I do not know if it is still recouperating from this illness, or menopause, or something else. I just do not feel as well as I usually do.
Today I prepared 12 pounds of tomatoes and they are cooking down in two crockpots at this very moment...making me hungry :) I like being hungry though...because it means there is an enjoyment in the satisfaction of that hunger and that is another gift from the Lord. Three different kinds of tomatoes ....Big Boy, Roma and Cherry Tomatoes. I plan to mix all of them and make spaghetti sauce to freeze. I wish we had had more tomatoes but I am not really sure what happened. My Black Krill just took off but then fizzled out. I was really looking forward to trying that kind of tomato. I have plenty of seeds left. Maybe next year.
VBS is in its second night. I really enjoy being the VBS photographer. :) It suits me :) I like capturing the happy faces of children and adults having fun!
I like being a part of a group of people who love Jesus and want to share the Bible with children. Tonight was a story about Queen Esther and Haman and Mordecai.
I love the story of Esther.
I know this is just basically a chronicle of what has been going on but is all I can muster right now.
Oh! I also received a hitch bike rack to review and it is pretty cool. Now we can take two bikes to ride somewhere...I am thinking this would be a fun date for Donnie and myself. I need to put my bike in the shop though...but I do not know where a bike shop is. Mine needs new cables and a new chain.
Also I received a hummingbird feeder to is very neat...kinda old-fashioned looking. We will see if we can attract some hummingbirds to the house : )
There are many things coming up ....meetings, more VBS, piano lessons and I really need to have some coffee with a couple of my friends :)
Today I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with my friends and family at church. I admire so many of them...Young people starting out, living a life of helping others. Older people with endless energy, more than I have! Younger older people who have a gift with children. A pastor who just keeps going and going and doing and doing all God calls him to do without regard to his own tiredness . Servants who year after year work tirelessly in the kitchen for all kinds of activities. It is just good to see so many people pull together to put on a VBS for the kids that they can learn from and enjoy.
I heard God in the whisper that today is the day we have and we need to find the things about today that are His gifts and be thankful. I heard the whisper that we as Christians are all parts of the body of Christ and each part is necessary for a different function.